<div class="spacer"></div><span class="disclosure-label" hidden>Show details</span>
<div class="details">
    <p>Platform cooperatives are an alternative to venture capital-funded and centralized platforms, putting stakeholders before shareholders.</p>
{% if not standAlone %}<div class="spacer"></div>{% endif %}
<span class="disclosure-label" hidden>{{ label }}</span>
<div class="details">
	<p>{{ content }}</p>
  "label": "Show details",
  "content": "Platform cooperatives are an alternative to venture capital-funded and centralized platforms, putting stakeholders before shareholders."
  • Handle: @disclosure-button
  • Preview:
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/20-molecules/110-disclosure-button/disclosure-button.njk

Disclosure Button

A disclosure button can be used to toggle the visibility of the content that follows it in the DOM.

To implement the disclosure button component, use the following markup:

<span class="disclosure-label" hidden><!-- Label for content --></span>
<div class="details">
    <!-- Content -->

The .details class is optional; any single element that follows the <span> will be shown/hidden by the button.

Then, add the following JavaScript to the page:

var disclosureLabel = document.querySelector( '.disclosure-label' );
new Pinecone.DisclosureButton( label );